The Periodic Paralysis Guide And Workbook
This book will provide readers with information and methods to better manage the often over-whelming and disabling symptoms of all forms of Periodic Paralysis. The Periodic Paralysis Guide And Workbook: Be The Best You Can Be Naturally, is the second book written specifically about Periodic Paralysis, a very rare, usually inherited and often debilitating mineral metabolic disorder. It contains comprehensive information about the various forms of the condition written in an easy to understand format. It is a user-friendly guide, a set of plans, instructions and ideas for aiding individuals with all forms of Periodic Paralysis, to better manage their symptoms in natural and common sense methods. It is a workbook with a set of tools such as charts, forms and even a medical journal, with clear instructions for completing and using them. Each is designed to be individualized and may be utilized for the various plans or sections of the book. The charts and forms may be scanned and used separately or the pages may simply be completed in the book itself for keeping all medical information in one place.
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